CQRS: Querying via HTTP
· ☕ 8 min read
This article continues the series dedicated to the CQRS pattern. We will be looking at the Command Query Responsibility Segregation pattern as an architecture, particularly dive into the Querying part and try to find out how to fit it in the HTTP. At the time this article is written, two main protocol versions exist HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2. Version 3.0 is in the draft, so we are not considering it. The main difference between 1.

CQRS: Commanding via HTTP
· ☕ 9 min read
This article starts the series dedicated to CQRS on top of HTTP. We will be looking at the Command Query Responsibility Segregation pattern as an architecture, particularly dive into the Commanding part and try to find out how to fit it in the HTTP. At the time this article is written, two main protocol versions exist HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2. Version 3.0 is in the draft, so we are not taking it into consideration.